Forged released on August 8, 2017 and we kicked off the launch with a live broadcast party!
We played games, designed dresses, gave away secrets, had party gifts for all and more! Check out the rebroadcast here:
Have questions that didn’t get answered while we were live on air? Hit up the comments and let me know!
Want to learn more about Forged?
Before Lowell sent Auluria on a mission for his master plan of destruction, before Shadoe trained her to be a vicious and deceptive fighter, before she ever met Dov Baer and his family, Auluria was a young girl merely trying to survive. Once she is brought into Lowell’s fold after the death of her aunt, Auluria is placed under the supervision of Shadoe, a cruel and careless mentor. She must learn to fight to further her cousin’s mission to destroy the Society that persecutes their own people. As her training continues she finds herself in growingly dangerous situations, all leading to her greatest mission yet: to destroy Dov and Berwyn Baer and become the deceptive fighter Lowell has made her to be.
What was your favorite part of the party? Hit up the comments and let me know!
Stay inspired,
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