AuthorFest PA Book Signing

Yesterday I signed books at AuthorFest PA as part of the Steampunk Days in Honesdale, PA.

I had a great time talking to book lovers, authors, and random people walking by who don’t read much but liked my pretty book covers haha The weather held out  (sun behind a cloud, wind enough to keep us cool, and no rain until after tear down)

I had thirteen of my sixteen books there on display (three are currently in anthologies) in my brand new display (that my fabulous father built for me—how great did he do on that?!?!) as well as a pile of books behind the display, some seashell crowns for The Siren Wars Saga series, chapstick and candles from Golden, bookmarks and postcards, and some mints, just in case anyone needed a little candy for the day lol

I even had the Golden Book Box by my side at the event. People were flored when they saw all the magical contents! I mean, just check this out:

I had a great time with twenty other fabulous authors at the event as we listened to live steampunk music, saw people in costume, and had wonderful conversations!

It was an awesome event and I can’t wait to do it again next year!

Did YOU come out to see AuthorFest PA? Let me know what YOUR favorite part was (and pass along any awesome photos you took while there!!)

Stay inspired,

-K.M. Robinson



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